Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Benefits of Guest Blogging

Looking for a creative outlet without the commitment of starting your own blog? Or maybe you already have a blog and are looking for a fresh, new way to drive more traffic to it? The answer to both dilemmas could well be this: Do some guest blogging!

As summer approaches, I am seeing more and more bloggers announcing that they are going on vacation soon and need people to fill in for them while they are gone (why didn’t I think of that instead of just leaving you hanging for 10 days while I went and contracted influenza in Europe?).

Although you can’t usually expect to get paid for it, guest blogging is a great way to channel your creativity and add “published” pieces to your portfolio. And if you already have a blog, the exposure you get during your guest stint could probably win you a few new readers.

How do you go about finding opportunities to be a guest blogger? This post at ProBlogger gives some tips. And hey, I would be glad to look at any guest blogging ideas that any readers might have (just be sure they're relevant). Send them to me via the comments or loricateshand at yahoo dot com.

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