"To rally those who have lost their jobs or are facing possible job loss in the current devastated economic climate, Job Action Day 2008 aims to empower workers and job-seekers to take proactive steps to shore up their job and career outlook," say Katharine and Randall Hansen of Quintessential Careers. "Our challenge to you, our readers, is to ask you to do at least ONE proactive thing TODAY, Job Action Day 2008, to improve your job and/or career situation. Whether you update your resume, develop a backup plan in case of job loss, or add contacts to your network, take at least one action Today for Job Action Day. As our regular contributor Joe Turner says, 'Don't let all the hype about the economy spook you into a state of panic and inaction.'"
The very timely articles include the following:
- How Secure is Your Job? A Job Jeopardy/Layoff Assessment from Quintessential Careers
- Is Your Job in Jeopardy? Impending Layoff Warning Signs
- Developing Your Job/Career/Life Survival Plan: Preparing for the Possibility of Losing Your Job in Weak Economic Times
- Silver Linings in a Financial Meltdown: How Workers and Job-Seekers Can Make the Best of a Bad Economy
- Job-Search Advice for College Seniors and Recent College Grads: Job-Hunting in Times of Uncertainty
- Attacking the Job Market and Workplace Proactively in Tough Times: A Roundup of Expert Advice
- Quintessential Careers Blog
- Career Doctor Blog
- Quintessential Resume and Cover Letter Tips Blog
- A Storied Career
- Alexandra Levit: Alexandra Levit's Water Cooler Wisdom
- Barbara Safani: CareerSolvers
- Career Manangement Alliance Blog
- Curt Rosengren: The M.A.P. Maker [Meaning Abundance & Passion]
- Darrell Gurney: In The Line of Hire
- Dave Rigotti: Career Fire
- Deborah Brown-Volkman: Surpass Your Dreams
- Diane Danielson: THE WOMEN'SDISH with Diane & Friends
- Jacob Share: JobMob
- Jason Alba: Jibber Jobber Blog
- Lindsey Pollak: Lindsey Pollak Blog: Career Advice & Commentary
- Louise Fletcher: blueskyresumesblog
- Maggie Mistal: what if...
- Miriam Salpeter: Keppie Careers
- Rich Milgram: EmploymentMetrix.com
- Steven Davies: JobPerfect Job Search Techniques
- Steven Rothberg: CollegeRecruiter.com Blog
- Wendy Terwelp: Rock Your Career
- Willy Franzen: One Day, One Job
In the spirit of Job Action Day, read all of this great free advice and do something proactive today. Then go vote tomorrow, and as the QC team says, hold your candidate's feet to the fire over job creation.
1 comment:
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