Sunday, June 29, 2008

Amazon's Hiring Fair in Indiana

Amazon's new distribution center in Indiana is at least two years away from being up to full speed, but already the company is working hard on putting together the staff. This past weekend they had an open house for hourly positions (see an article about it here, in which it mentions that people were turned away for not bringing a resume, among other documents).

It's also illuminating to see the management positions currently being recruited for online:

Nothing really related to publishing or editing--a lot of bean counting (or book counting) and tech stuff, though.


Anonymous said...

Yeah--it's not really about books anymore, if it ever really was. The only positions there remotely having to do with actual editing and publishing are the editorial ones, which rarely come up, and even they are more online merchandising gigs anyway.

Lori Cates Hand said...

And I would assume that those jobs are only located in Seattle?